πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ JDI Burn πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

To play an important role of Dino Park, the team set a decision to β€˜BURN’ JDIs !! πŸ‘€

Why do we burn JDIs? πŸ”Ή DINOPARK is one of our initiations, burning JDIs is one of the plans where creating more demand in holding, adding on value to its tokenomic.

Where are the funds from? πŸ”Ή The funds come from each trade transaction from Dino Park, 1 out of 7% would go into buying back JDIs and set aflame on it !

When do we burn JDIs? πŸ”Ή We accumulate the 1% fee and keep buying back JDIs. In the end, we will burn JDIs on a weekly basis! There’s no fixed revenue on how much we buying back but based on total trade transaction from $DINOP ! Burning time will be randomly! πŸ••